Reddit热议Faker成为合伙人: Faker, 挣钱滴神!

时间:2020-02-19 10:14:53 来源:电竞网

虎扑2月17日讯 今日ESPN爆料Faker与T1成功续约,并且T1决定在Faker从职业选手位置上退役后,将以合伙人的身份加入战队的领导层。这在Reddit上引起了网友们的热烈讨论,截取了部分网友的讨论内容。帖子大意如下(未经允许禁止转载,搬运截图):


In contract negotiations, Faker and T1 also agreed that he will move into a leadership role with the company when he retires from playing professionally.

Well that's nice for him.




Yeah that's pretty sick, these people who have been playing since they were like 16 years old are gonna struggle finding a job outside of League of Legends when they retire, good that they get some security of the future



Well, some of them anyway.

Most I imagine will fade away, and a few will possibly go on to make it via streaming (which is ironically also not a sure thing long term).




They could also enroll/ reenroll in college/ tech school whatever avenue. It does not exclusively have to be esports for all of them.



Some of them did make a handsome amount of income, and provided that they saved/managed it properly, it will serve as a great financial cushion for many years to come... especially in a competitive job market and highly populated nation like Korea.



When you play video games for 12 hours a day you don't have a whole lot of time to blow any of the money you make.



Most definitely fade away. Being a fan of this game and its competitive scene since season 1, there are already hundreds of forgotten players that were big names over the years.

The interesting thing is that as time passes, players people become familiar with in one game become big names in others. I used to play Halo back in the day with Ninja pretty often back when the competitive scene was big, and he's now the face of Fortnite and streamers as a whole. Tons of old FPS players are now big names in Fortnite, Apex Legends, and other popular shooters.




A lot are able to translate their experience into behind the scenes work as well. Ghostayame is part of a competitive/esports focused dev team for Apex Legends, for example.



many streamers told us on air (This is their word) they make more from streaming than being like a B+/A- pro player.



What do you mean they it's just faker, and if he didn't get this deal he'd make more than enough just streaming



To be fair a lot of the best players don't ever need to work again. Faker, Rookie, Bang, these guys could retire tomorrow and never worry about money again.



Rookie and Bang are not even close to the same category as Faker.

They never really established a brand and Bang has never been on a super high paying team or has had any notable sponsorships.




Bro Rookie is in China and on a team called IG

If that doesn't say making bank then I don't know what will




So no 100T Faker?

所以100T Faker是没有机会了?


Not like he REALLY needs it. He's a multi millionaire, if he doesn't go on a Lamborghini shopping spree and is smart with his money he's set up for life and his grand children as well.



This takes him up to when he'll need to do his military service, correct? RIP NA Faker.

这是不是要等到他需要服兵役的时候啊?世间再无NA Faker。


Correct. Once this contract is up he'll do his military service, come back, and be in a leadership role with T1.



Truly next-level bootcamping.



Expect Caitlyn/Lucian mid picks when he returns



Can we expect some Omega Squad skin picks from Faker once he returns?

Faker退役了会不会做个欧米伽小队 Faker的皮肤嘞?


Faker, Faker moneymaker



Are there any reports on the numbers and how much the deal is actually for??



Amazing how much a role model Faker can be. Loyal to team, many international achievements, no scandal,likes chickens



He truly is a man of culture.



He is culture



I don't think any player should value loyalty to an org, they should look out for their own interests above all else.



becoming part owner of an internationally recognized esports brand is certainly looking out for his own interests. but i get what you mean



I mean faker himself is a brand. Works out for both org and him tbh.



expected this for faker eventually when bjergsen did it



Imagine you're midlaning for T1 and you know your coach is better than you but retired lmfao.



this is cool and all but fuck the espn guys for hyping it up as some big "roster move" lol



the espn ppl are rats outside of confirming offseason moves



if faker has million number of fans i am one of them. if faker has ten fans i am one of them. if faker has no fans. that means i am no more on the earth. if world against faker , i am against the world. i love faker till my last breath



He now stands at the pinnacle of E-Sports.



Well, there goes the hope of every other team that is trying to get Faker. He ain't leaving T1 at all.

