Reddit网友热议: 小天怎么了? LPL的最佳打野是谁?

时间:2020-08-15 07:04:26 来源:电竞网


Glad to see V5 aren't another eStar, what a great series from Mole and Weiwei. I was not expecting this series to be so one sided since V5 had no playoff experience but damn did they make a statement, DoinB tried his hardest but couldn't carry. Also shoutout Lysterics one of my fav commentary duos, you guys are great



Because eStar only have one Wei to win games while V5 has 2 Weis



I wasn't impressed with Mole's Syndra in the early parts of game 4, but oh man did he land a lot of important stuns in the later on teamfights.



That 3 man stun at dragon pit was actually insane



I think part of that was the tear build too, no idea what that was about



That was a smart build lol. Needed to survive.



I was theorising that since they'd have to focus their strong top⊥, he'd be put on topside duty and maybe not get as much blues (stolen by tian). Since he was more of a CC bag duty than getting kills (which should go to Lucian in this case), it wouldn't hurt their plan and actually counter some other side of the map trade FPX might try.

But that damage was very lacking until the liandry's indeed. The CC was still there tho


以下是Church of PPGOD的布道时间

Hate to break it to you, but no one this year has a chance against V5. They are easily the best team in the world this year, and its easy to see why. You have BiuBiu, unofficial world champion and the tank god ready to claim his official title, and there is nothing that will stand in his way. Weiwei, the legendary jungle who knows the ins and outs of every single part of the game, ask him how much damage krugs will do to Anivia jungle at level 2 with just the starting item? He knows. Ask him where Karsa will be at 20:43 into the game when its only 10:12? He can give you an area accurate to within 500 units. You have Mole, easily one of the top 2 mid top jungle adc support players in LPL, who is going to dominate the inferior Chinese and Korean mids with his 200 IQ. You have SamD, so called because the blessing of the lord has granted him a schlong of such magnitude in size, he took the d in adc and capitalized it to display his dominance, backed up by our lord and savior ppgod, whose sheer power is so brilliant and bright, he himself needs to limit his own power on top of Riot programming a random number generator just to make sure he misses 20% of his Thresh hooks to keep it fair to the enemy. Anyone who thinks EU, Brazil, Korea, or any other team has a chance this year is straight up wrong.




Doinb is stuck in elo hell. Get that man a teamDoinb



They bought Khan which is pretty much useless to FPX..



I was told FPX would be unstoppable with Khan.



He has good players around him, they've just been on poor form this split and as a team look like they don't know how to play the game half the time



I fully agree, every match when FPX lost with Khan people just blame Khan on their losses. It really baffles me why no one is pointing out their decision making and how bad they actually play as a team instead.

Many times, FPX just over force a fight and getting caught out in a bad spot. To be fair tho, Khan did not look good at Jayce in their last series.



what happened to Tian? I had no time to watch whole lpl split, is Wiewei so good or Tian after worlds is just bad? It was hard jungle diff every game. Same for Crips but at least he had some good hooks g4 , draft was weird



Tian regressed and Weiwei is one of the best junglers this split.



Who is considered the best lpl jungler now?




Wei Wei, beishang, kanavi[-]SKTworldchamps2020

Yh these 3 are insane junglers. I think early game Beishang is probably the best but Kanavi has such a big impact overall for his team. LPL jungle pool is so good right now.



LPL all position pool is insane, mid has Mole, Knight, Rookie,

ADC Jeumeng, JL, Loken

TOP, theShy, Zoom, 369

Supp, Lvmao, PPGOD



Hard to say. All 6 of Kanavi, Weiwei, Beishang, Karsa, Ning and Peanut could make a case for being the number 1 best jungler, I'd personally give Kanavi a slight edge but if someone thinks otherwise it's really hard to argue, all of them are insanely good.

很难受,kanavi,Weiwei, Beishang, Karsa, Ning and Peanut都能成为LPL第一打野,我个人觉得kanavi稍稍领先,但是如果其他人有别的想法也很难去反驳,他们都很好。


Karsa is on poor form right now, I don't think he's anywhere near the best at this point. He's middle of the pack rn, he's not awful or anything but jg is stacked towards the top. Also Weiwei and Beishang are in a tier of their own above everyone else, and Wei and Jiejie deserve mentions in your list as well, they're some of the best jg talent around.



Tian is the worst jungler in playoffs. He fell off a cliff.

YM world champion jungler debuff. Ning went through it as well.



That’s wild. He was probably the best player at 2019 worlds to me. At least Ning had a very over aggressive playstyle that i could totally see starting to backfire eventually but Tian was just smart and consistent every game

